The new series of Location, Location, Location starts on Wednesday 31st August at 8pm on Channel 4.
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Rob and Hilary and searching in HItchin, Hertfordshire for a family home on a budget of £250k
Rupreet and Sundeep have a budget of £380k and are looking in Pinner which is an expensive area in Harrow.
Can’t wait to hear What Kirstie and Phil say about the property market at the moment. Will check when it’s been filmed too when I watch it!
OK I’ve watched it.
The postcode snobbery was amusing to watch, but Phil’s rather patronising “your price expectations are wrong” was annoying. Surely trying to get things for a cheaper price is the name of the game. Who would want to take on more debt than they had to?
I feel this program was ramping the housing market up which is not what it either needs or can stand at the moment.