Ever wondered how you go about nominating a property to have a blue plaque? English Hertitage only do London blue plaques (apart from a brief nationwide trial) – They have a guide about it here at the English Heritage Website
* a figure must have been dead for twenty years, or have passed the centenary of their birth, whichever is the earlier.
* a building associated with the figure must survive in London.
* proposals will be considered for the commemoration of sites of special historical interest (for instance, where a key event took place), but these should be shown to be of national significance.
If you’ve nominated and failed in the past you have to wiat 10 years before you can have another attempt at that one!
You then have to fund the plaque yourself!
There are many other local schemes for other parts of the country.
Wiki has a list of blue plaques
Societies like the Tiverton Civic Society has done blue plaques!