The Environment search can cover:
Land Contamination
Neighbourhood Nuisance, e.g. proposed erection of mobile masts or effluent plants Common Land Ownership and Rights of Commoners Village Green and Grass Verge Ownership
Town & Country Planning applications and history
Civil Aviation activity in the area
London Underground routes & Tunnels affecting the property
Flood sites, Potential Flood Areas and Potential Subsidence Areas
Coal Mining
Limestone or Gypsum Quarrying and risk of Subsidence
Brine Works
Existing and Proposed Overhead and Underground Electricity Cables
Radon data
Existing and Proposed Mobile Mast Sites and Information
Council Tax Bands, Local Secondary Schools, Hospitals and Public Footpaths
Aerial Photography
The council’s Local Plan and Planning Policies
Local Crime Statistics and Local Police Forces
The impact on the value of the property of Environmental factors
Hazardous and Regulated Installations
Proximity to Landfill Sites, Waste Sites and Scrap yards
Petroleum and Fuel Sites
Pollution Incidents
Flood risk areas
Subsidence risks
Landslip risks
Mining & Mineral Extraction
Radon & Radon Protection Measures
Air Quality
Radio Masts
Landfill and Waste sites
Storage of Dangerous, Hazardous & Radioactive Substances
Past & Current Industrial Land use